Transferring personal data by USB device

USB devices offer a convenient way to transfer data between two computers. However, their small physical size and large data capacity means that large volumes of personal data can be lost or stolen with relative ease. Furthermore, if personal data is not securely wiped from USB devices prior to reuse there is a possibility that […]

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What is a DPIA(Data Protection Impact Assesment) and why are DPIA’s important?

What is a DPIA? A DPIA is a process designed to help you systematically analyse, identify and minimise the data protection risks of a project or plan. It is a key part of your accountability obligations under the GDPR, and when done properly helps you assess and demonstrate how you comply with all of your data […]

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Data sharing: a code of practice

The UK Government has laid the Data Sharing Code of Practice before Parliament on 18 May 2021. It will lay before Parliament for 40 sitting days before coming into force. In 2011 the ICO published its first Data Sharing Code; in the intervening period the type and amount of data collected by organisations has changed […]

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The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

The ICO is the UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals. The ICO is responsible for: Promoting good practice in handling personal data and giving advice and guidance on data protection. Ensure data controllers pay the appropriate data protection fee and […]

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ICO POST: Data sharing code

Very beneficial blog has been shared by Ali Shah, Head of Technology Policy Blog:Building on the data sharing code: our plans for updating our anonymisation guidance. Data is the lifeblood of the digital economy, and the sharing of personal data is key to opening up new opportunities. Data shared in healthcare environments can map out […]

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GDPR compliant cookie policy for your web page

GDPR requires that you have a cookie policy and corresponding cookie banner to alert visitors of this. Following on this find out the checklist provided by the ICO, to check if your are compliant with the GDPR cookie policy. Understanding cookies ☐ We understand what cookies are and what they can be used for. ☐ We know the difference between session cookies and […]

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EU representatives – your FAQ’s answered

eu representative

Here at GDPRlocal, we get lots of questions about what exactly an EU  Representative is, what they do and whether your business actually needs one. We’ve produced a list of our most frequently asked questions to help you better understand this little-known piece of the GDPR. What is an EU  Representative? An EU  Representative is […]

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Ico examines public confidence in data protection

cyber security

The ICO recently released the results of a survey they created as part of their strategic plan to examine the general public’s trust in organisations that use their personal data. The survey was produced as a key time, as many people are now online more than ever due to working from home. The ICO found […]

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EU representative – act now


If you provide products and services to EU  citizens, you will invariably process personal data about those people. If this is the case, you need to ensure you have appointed an EU  Representative. This is a strict requirement under the GDPR- refer to Article 27 for more information. You should choose carefully and ensure that […]

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ICO advice on corona virus

corona gdpr

ICO ADVICE ON DATA PROTECTION DURING CORONA CRISIS The ICO has issued a number of blogs about how data protection and GDPR issues should be handled during the Corona Virus crisis. The advice is practical, useful, and helpful – all controllers should take a look. at: ICO GDPRCORONA ADVICE You can also read advice to […]

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